Advancing Safety Globally

BCSP certifications are recognized as “Gold Standard” safety certifications around the world, protecting and developing workers, assisting in the development of international safety, health and environmental (SH&E) standards, and contributing to the international advancement of the safety profession.

Credential Recognition

To advance safety professionals around the globe, BCSP maintains credential agreements, memoranda of understanding, and other forms of credential recognition with organizations that share the goal of ensuring safety through the professional development of safety practitioners. These agreements assist safety professionals who hold reputable credentials achieve the internationally accredited Certified Safety Professional® (CSP) certification.

The following organizations currently maintain credential agreements with, or are otherwise recognized by, BCSP. Certain credentials and diplomas offered by these organizations are recognized as meeting the ASP requirement, allowing candidates to bypass the ASP examination and apply directly for the CSP examination.

Recognition of these organizations’ credentials, diplomas, or certificates is detailed in this page’s resources section.

International Network of Safety & Health Professional Organisations (INSHPO)

BCSP is a full member of INSHPO, a global alliance of professional occupational safety and health (OSH) organizations. It is the global voice for the occupational safety and health profession and acts as a forum for international collaboration among professional organizations to improve safety and health at work.

All professions must have professional standards – for ethical practice, educational learning outcomes in baccalaureate programs, credentials, and other factors affecting an individual’s qualifications. INSHPO has developed a Global Competency Framework for the OSH Professional – setting international standards for OSH professionals.

Key component areas where BCSP most relates to the INSHPO mission are the Global OSH Body of Knowledge and core competencies for OSH practitioners.

Special Consultative Status with the United Nations

BCSP has been granted special consultative status by the United Nations (UN), enabling BCSP to actively engage with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), its subsidiary bodies, as well as the UN Secretariat, programs, funds and agencies.

As part of special consultative status, ECOSOC and its members may consult with BCSP as a source of expert information with special competence in the protection of people, property, and the environment.

Information for Applicants with non-U.S. Degrees

When applying for the CSP or ASP with a degree from a college outside the United States, that degree will be evaluated for U.S. equivalency. Details on the documentation required, requested during the application process, can be found online here.

Locate a Test Center Near You

BCSP certification examinations are administered at Pearson VUE test centers, with over 420 locations in 79 countries around the world.


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