Construction Health and Safety Technician® (CHST®)
The Construction Health and Safety Technician (CHST) provides recognition of your dedication to, and competency in, performing health and safety activities that prevent construction illnesses and injuries.
Application Process
Exam Training
The CHST is for construction job sites’ safety, health, and environment (SH&E) specialists. Responsibilities for SH&E may be all or part of a CHST’s job duties, which may cover one or more significant construction projects or job sites. Candidates may work for an owner, general contractor, subcontractor, or firm involved in SH&E and/or construction.
The CHST program recognizes that many employers assign responsibility for construction SH&E functions to those with very important roles in leading workers. Many construction safety practitioners use the CHST as a path to greater roles in SH&E practice.

- Will work part-time or full-time in construction safety (35% is the minimum) and have duties that require technical skills and knowledge in safety, health, and the environment
- Will have three (3) years of experience in construction safety, health, and environment
- Must pass the CHST examination
- Maintenance of certification
- Pay annual renewal fee
- Meet recertification requirements